Risk-Taking Mission : Spring Representative Synod 2017

Spring Synod met on the 1st April at Emmanuel College in Gateshead. The theme for the day was Risk-Taking Mission which continues the theme from the work of Robert Schnase on the five practices of fruitful congregations. The morning began with worship led by Tim Woolley and an introduction from the host circuit the South West Tyneside Service.

Reports were received from Ministerial Synod and the Servicing and Resourcing committee.

Highlights from the rest of the morning can be found here.

The Keynote speech came from the Red Graham Horsley who share some thoughts on Risk-taking Mission and Service and you can read notes from this here. He left us with the call to GO BIG in our mission and service in this world.

After Lunch we spent time in seminars looking at ways we can use our people and property in different ways to extend our work in the world.

Synod closed with a word of thanks and affirmation to Elaine Lindridge and the work she does as District Evangelism Enabler.  We prayed for her and the continuing journey she is on.

Memorials were sent to conference regarding the issues of Israel and Palestine and Engaging effectively with the UK Government’s Prevent Strategy.

Finally, prayers were offered for those moving on from the district and those churches which have been given permission to close.

Credits – Get the fruit! by donireewalker under CC BY-2.0



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